- PDF2Preview
- Generate a preview image for your paper.
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- FoodNet
- Search for food ingredients that go well together.
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- Which Frame?
- Semantic video search. Built with OpenAI's CLIP and Streamlit.
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- Tiny Papers
- TL;DR academic papers + thoughts.
- 🌐 Website
- Ollie VR
- Virtual reality skateboarding game controlled by a physical skateboard. Built with Unity and Arduino.
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- FloateeViz
- Visualize and predict ocean trash. Built with D3.js and OpenLayers.
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- Fika
- Travel with locals. Prototyped with Adobe XD.
- 🌐 Website📊 Presentation
- LeARn
- Interactive, programmable, augmented reality cube. AngelHack Cyberport and Open Source HK prize.
- 🎬 Video
- hackUST 2017
- Co-organizing Asia's largest hackathon.
- 🌐 Website🎬 Video📷 Photos
- IB Physics
- International Baccalaureate Physics notes. 4M+ visits!
- 🌐 Website📱 App